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Essential Learning Management System Features To Keep Remote Employees Engaged
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May 31, 2023Blog - 22 Mar 2023 | 6 Min
Post-Pandemic, Business Continuance in Airline Sector means Upskilling with Corporate eLearning Solutions

I run the risk of stating the obvious when I say, along with tourism, aviation industry is one of the most severely impacted industries in 2020. The global bodies of the industry IATA, ACI and ICAO, all agree that it is not going to go back to 2019 level, any time before 2024 and holds true for both business travel and leisurely trips.  A global survey conducted by Gartner, Inc. found that 88% of business organization all over the world mandated or encouraged all their employees to work from home as the virus started to spread at exponential rates. Furthermore, about 97% of the organizations immediately canceled all work-related travel. Tourism, though opening up in pockets, is yet to revive full scale. The fear of contagion on a flight is higher among masses as there is hardly another industry which offers services that involves intermingling with so much and so many strangers.  With the pandemic passing over, there is a new situation where airlines have restructured themselves to operate under heavier umbrella of regulations and survive the bad time with as less employees as possible. This changed environment obviously needs the associates and employees to develop new skills, inculcate new habits and be ready for multi-tasking. So, organizations will have to not only transfer new knowledge but also help their employees to change themselves and respond to the new situation with the same ease and effectiveness. And obviously this will not be possible without an equally effective corporate eLearning solution. In the current situation there are three things that can help the aviation industry meet the business challenges.   Prepare Employees for Multi-Tasking  Job role specific trainings are already there but when your cabin crew has to manage certain duties of the ground staff, then they will need extensive training and concurrent training compliance management or the same. Managing training for the airline employees who do not usually work from a ‘office’ as such and are at times traveling across the globe is a complicated task in general. A learning management system can integrate with the roster management system and pull data on an individual’s schedules and job role. Based on the same, training can be assigned through automated workflows making the process system based leaving the administrators free for more important tasks.   Expedite Digital Proficiency among Crew  Industry experts all over the world have suggested and the aviation industry has also accepted that heavy digitalization is key to safe and efficient business for the airlines. The operating model has been largely modified. Today we have touchless check-ins, RFID bag-tags, contactless and paper-less immigration, and boarding processes. This has rendered the need for large passenger concourses and check-in areas redundant and released more monetizable commercial spaces. However, this also means high level of digital proficiency among the ground staff. Though using a smartphone is normal for most, learning to use technology for a job they have been doing manually, all of a sudden, is not easy. A scenario-based learning program deployed through a compatible learning platform will help them learn faster, retain the information longer and also use the knowledge effectively.   Reducing Training Non-Compliance  Aviation is largely a regulated sector and post-Covid the rules have increased manifold. Other than regulations issued by global health organizations like WHO, ICAO has its own separate guidelines for airport, aircraft, crew and even cargo. Add to this the government issued mandates in each different country.  Thus, managing the training compliance requirement of current times, needs intelligent & automated solution. A Learning Management System with an authorization feature can help manage the complete process of compliance. Starting from identifying the required compliance or certification for a job role through machine learning technology, the system shall track the progress, status and notify as and when required. This reduces the scope of manual error while managing this complicated process on excel sheets or via emails.  Though the pandemic is the biggest disaster for the Aviation industry, but they have proved their resilience time and again before during 9/11 and other global tragedies. However, revival of the aviation industry is also a must for the global economy to revive. If you are looking to find out more about the benefits of eLearning solutions and technology for the industry, you may visit our repository. To talk to a learning consultant at Tenneo (formerly Tenneo (formerly G-Cube LMS) LMS), please write to us and surely we shall use our 21 years of experience to build the best solutions for you.
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